The Absolute

Poem by

No mind, no form, I only exist;  
     Now ceased all will and thought;
The final end of Nature’s dance,   
     I am it whom I have sought.

A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
     Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
     I face the One alone.

I have crossed the secret ways of life,
     I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
     I am the way, the God-Soul.

My spirit aware of all the heights,   
     I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;   
    My cosmic play is done.

Excerpt from ‘My Flute‘ by  Sri Chinmoy

Copyright © Sri Chinmoy 1974


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#81 Ecology of Care

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ALDUNYA, The Goddess

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