What the World Really Needs - Science and Nonduality (SAND)

What the World Really Needs

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What seems to be your inner reality and what seems to be the external experience are one thing: you are literally watching your own Consciousness displaying itself in the world. The life you experience is the expression of your own Being, it is is not something different or separated from you.

Something interesting happens when you become more conscious of and present with your inner contractions. As you remain as Stillness/as Peace in which any conflicts arise, a new manifestation can happen. When you realize that you are Consciousness which is behind everything, you can experience the world reflecting your awakening.

Many people do not want to feel consciously these kinds of inner contraction – the sense of separation often triggered by the negativity of the world out there. Instead, they close their heart and become numb/disconnected/ mechanic. Others want to fight it and blame others in order to not feel it. These are all strategies to not see and feel the pain in their own heart. Very few are courageous enough to remain present in the midst of pain, without trying to disconnect from it and are able to be with the pain of the world in their own heart. These are the people who can really make a change, as they transform the pain by being present with it. This is the alchemy of the true Heart, that can transform everything. The spiritual Heart is not an emotion: it is the empty background everything, it is the unconditional nature of reality, the silent space of all manifestation.

Do not think you are a helpless and separate thing and cannot do anything regarding the world. It is not true! You can actually do a lot! You can welcome the pain you see in the world in the Heart. You can offer peace to the world that is in conflict: we already tried revolutions in the streets, and often we feel tired of fighting the system. Let’s wake up, You are the system! The world is not outside of you. This is an invitation to stop fighting it and thus splitting yourself into two: abusers and victims. The result of any fight based on this kind of separation will simply be more separation, pain and suffering.

Wake up to another possibility. Anything you see in the world – good and bad – is you, is one with you. It is the unfoldment of ONE Consciousness.

All the misery, chaos and unbalanced happenings on this planet are here for you to see and open your heart. It is a reflection of your inner disconnection from your heart. The disconnection comes from not feeling consciouly the sense of separation, as often we are too afraid of touching that pain.

We can become courageous enough to feel the pain of separation of humanity, being courageous enough to open our heart. When you do it, you will start to feel everything deeply again and this will break your heart, it will be literally broken open. Then, the light of understanding will enter and it will (en)lighten your mind and your body. It will show you that all that happens or that happened was for you to wake up and you will feel compassion and love for those still living in ignorance. This is the inner revolution: it is the action of one Consciousness, so in this sense only you can do it, nobody else can do it for you. You are the Silence behind everything that is able to take on everything – even the pain and horrors of the world.

A new vibration wants to enter…a vibration of understanding, love and transformation. You are called to be a living Bodhisattva. The life of a Bodhisattva is very ordinary. It is a life of someone who is able to remain present to the pain of the world and still be sensitive, vulnerable, open and compassionate. This is what the world needs. It needs your Heart, your vulnerability and sensitivity.


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