
sangha walking

by Danna Faulds

Teach me what I cannot learn alone.
Let us share what we know, and what
we cannot fathom. Speak to me of
mysteries, and let us never lie
to one another.

May our fierce and tender longing
fuel the fire in our souls. When we
stand side by side, let us dare to focus
our desire on the truth. May we be
reminders, each for the other, that
the path of transformation passes
through the flames.

To take one step is courageous;
to stay on the path day after day,
choosing the unknown, and facing
yet another fear, that is nothing
short of grace.



Video with

"Whose voice calls me from the furthest reaches of the universe?"

#81 Ecology of Care

Podcast with

Exploring the vital intersection of healing arts and indigeneity with Egyptian international interdisciplinary sound artist

Rabbi Cat’s musings on Parsha Tazria

Article by

As I think about what is happening today in Israel and Palestine, I think about the challenges we all face when we are confronted with stories different from those with which we were raised and that held a lot of meaning for us

Flower Fresh & Mountain Solid

Video with

A breathing exercise and meditation from the revered Zen monk.

#80 Awakening Hope

Podcast with

An exploration of Hope in trying times and RevD's upcoming courses.

My Orphan Country

Video with

A poem by Palestinian refugee Nibal Khalid

ALDUNYA, The Goddess

Video with

She, who speaks in climactic seed bursts of inspiration and steady sunrises the color of commitment.

Chasing Cicadas

Article by

Amid the cacophony of a cicada emergence, Anisa George reflects on her choice to leave the Bahá’í faith and its promise of a new civilization

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